Mass Effect

Squad Management

The Squad screen (accessible from the Mission Computer menu) provides information about your character and the other characters in your squad, including name, class, appearance, level, and use of talent points. The Squad screen can be accessed directly on the PC by pressing the U key.

Each time you accumulate enough experience to gain a new level, all characters are granted talent points. Using the Squad screen, you can assign these points in order to improve the abilities of your characters or unlock new abilities.

Commander Shepard also has Paragon and Renegade meters shown on this screen. These meters are representative of the choices you make throughout the game. Generous choices will result in Paragon points, while ruthless choices will result in Renegade points. Either path is acceptable, as you gain bonuses for filling either meter.

Paragon: The Paragon scale is colored blue and impacts the Charm ability.

10% Bonus: Opens two Charm slots, Gives one Charm point
25% Bonus: Opens two Charm slots, Gives one Charm point, 10% bonus to First Aid cooldown
50% Bonus: 10% bonus to health
75% Bonus: Unlocks Achievement, Opens two Charm slots, Gives one Charm point, 5% bonus to all talent cooldowns

Renegade: The Renegade scale is colored red and impacts the Intimidate ability.

10% Bonus: Opens two Intimidate slots, Gives one Intimidate point
25% Bonus: Opens two Intimidate slots, Gives one Intimidate point, 10% bonus to First Aid cooldown
50% Bonus: Regenerate +1 health per second
75% Bonus: Unlocks Achievement, Opens two Intimidate slots, Gives one Intimidate point, 5% damage/duration bonus on all weapons/powers
Created on 12, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 13, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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