Mass Effect


1 - Insertion

Wrap up any outstanding assignments you want to complete and head to the Sentry Omega Cluster. Joker informs you that the Normandy can't get to the infiltration team because of an anti-air defense tower in the area. You will need to land in the Mako and take down the defenses so the Normandy can land.

2 - The First Gatehouse

The path to the AA tower is mostly linear, but there are obstacles in your way. First there are a small group of drones, and then some foot soldiers along the path. Eventually you will reach a gatehouse. Though you don't need to open the gate to proceed, this is good practice for the gatehouses you will need to clear out later, and there are some containers on the upper level.

3 - The AA Tower

Beyond the gatehouse is a geth colossus. The path splits after this, but expect colossi and armatures in either direction. Ahead is another gatehouse. Destroy as many geth as possible before leaving the Mako to access the gate controls on the upper level. Before you can proceed you also need to deactivate the AA tower so the Normandy can land up ahead. There is
one final gatehouse beyond the tower, beyond which you will find the salarian camp.

4 - Captain Kirrahe

Enter the camp and speak to Captain Kirrahe, the leader of the salarian infiltration team. His mission was to reconnoiter a research base where it seems that Saren has discovered a way to breed an army of krogan. You must put a stop to Saren's plan before he creates an unstoppable army.

"Virmire" -> "Virmire: Saren's Plan"

5 - Wrex and the Genophage (Optional)

If you never picked up Wrex at the C-Sec Academy back on the Citadel, then you should have nothing to worry about here. However, if Wrex is on your team then he is none too pleased that you plan on destroying the cure that could save his species. More information on this conversation can be found in the Optional Assignments section. Briefly, unless certain circumstances
are met, you must use Charm or Intimidate to defuse the situation. Wrex must not be allowed to endanger the mission, so if he cannot be brought into line then either you or Ashley will have to kill him.

+28 Paragon - "These aren't your people!" [8 Charm]
+9 Renegade - "Don't be so naive." [8 Intimidate]
+28 Paragon - "I wouldn't do this otherwise." / "We are."
+25 Renegade - "[Shoot Wrex.]"
+25 Renegade - "[Signal Ashley to kill Wrex.]"
+2 Paragon - "Damn it."
+8 Paragon - "I'm in Command."

6 - A Daring Plan

Kirrahe has been working on a plan to destroy the facility and put a stop to Saren's activities on Virmire. He has rigged the drive core from his ship to act as a massive improvised explosive. Unfortunately, the only way to get the bomb into the base is to fly it in using the Normandy. That means someone has to infiltrate the compound and take down the AA defenses guarding it. Kirrahe's teams will attack from the front to distract the geth forces while you sneak a small team into the base from the rear. However, the Captain is short on men and he needs someone from your squad to coordinate between the teams. You can choose either Ashley or Kaidan to go with Kirrahe. The consequences for this decision are minor, so your choice should be based on who you want to bring with you when you assault the base. You have the option of trading with Commander Rentola, though he only has a handful of items for sale. He can be useful for clearing out your inventory however, as there are a large number of items up for grabs in the Virmire base. Speak with Captain Kirrahe when you are ready to begin the mission.

"Virmire: Saren's Plan" -> "Virmire: Assault"

7 - Shadow Team

There are a number of things you can do to assist Kirrahe's team, but these are part of an optional assignment and are discussed in detail in the next section. If you are not interested in helping the other teams, simply press forward to the geth base to the west. There are no new enemies here, just a few drones, geth soldiers of various types, and a handful of krogan. The krogan are your biggest concern, as they are deadly to you and your squad members at close range. Do your best to keep your distance, and use tech or biotic powers to disable them if they get too close.

8 - Infiltrate the Base

At the west end of this area you have two paths to choose from. Entering the sewers to the south leads into the base through a backdoor onto the detainment level. The more direct route lies to the north, which will take you directly to the warehouse and subsequent maintenance area. Either path requires you to access a security panel, which one of your squad members will use to disable the base security and get you inside. You also have the option of setting off an alarm on the far side of the base. This will redirect the base defenders to make it easier for you, but will also mean tougher resistance for the salarians. Putting the pressure on Kirrahe's teams might be too much for them to handle. Once the doors are unlocked, the other path becomes closed to you.

9 - Saren's Experiments

If you entered from the south, take the stairs up to the storage room. From here you can go up to the next floor to cell block B, where Menos Avot and a group of salarians are being held prisoner. You can release them but they turn on you as soon as the cells are opened. Go back down the next set of stairs to reach the elevator to the labs. If you entered from the north you need to clear out the warehouse of indoctrinated salarians. From here you can head outside to reach cell block A where you will find Ganto Imness and another group of captive salarians. When you have dealt with them, head back downstairs to the elevator and take it to the labs.

+8 Paragon - "All right. Let him out."
+2 Renegade - "No." / "Sorry. I can't risk it."
+2 Paragon - "I think I can trust you." / "I'm letting you out."
+9 Renegade - "Too risky."
+2 Paragon - "They're no threat."
+2 Renegade - "Open the door and kill them." / "Eliminate them."

10 - Genophage Research

In the lab you will need to fight some krogan and asari scientists, as well as a number of husks. Pick up the kits in this room, and access the medical station at the far end before proceeding west out onto the catwalks. Eliminate the nearby troopers and follow the path to the security office, where you will find Rana Thanoptis, an asari scientist who has been working for Saren. She tells you about the indoctrination process, by which Sovereign--Saren's flagship--controls the minds of those who are exposed to it. You can choose whether or not to kill her for her involvement with Saren.

+9 Renegade - "Too late."

11 - Sovereign

Head up the elevator Rana unlocked for you. In this room you find another beacon, like the one you encountered on Eden Prime. Activate it to have another piece of the Prothean puzzle downloaded into your brain. Upon returning to the elevator, you are confronted by a holographic image of Saren's flagship. Sovereign reveals its true nature: It is not merely a ship, it is an actual Reaper! It explains that the Reapers have existed for countless millennia, and will continue to eliminate advanced life in the galaxy every 50,000 years until the end of time. Sovereign claims that the Reapers constructed the mass relays and the Citadel so that advanced lifeforms would develop along the paths the Reapers desired. When the conversation is over, the interface explodes and Joker chimes in. He says that Sovereign is on its way. Time to get the hell out of there.

12 - To the AA Tower

The path back to the facility is blocked but a new catwalk is open. Proceed forward and take down the geth destroyer and the group of krogan ahead. Follow the path around to the west. In the distance you can see the AA tower you will need to disable. There are a few more geth and krogan in the area, along with some rocket drones to worry about. Use the cover appropriately to take them out without taking damage. The krogan can be knocked off the nearby ledge with Throw if you are positioned correctly. When all the enemies are defeated you can head up the ramp and deactivate the AA tower. This triggers two groups of reinforcements: Geth soldiers come up the ramp behind you, while another group arrives in the nearby elevator. One of Kirrahe's teams will radio in and inform you that they are heading for the second AA tower. Taking down both towers will allow the Normandy to land. Take the elevator up to the krogan breeding grounds.

13 - Set up the Bomb

Finish off the geth in this area and open the large doors to access the landing site. The salarian team knocks out the other AA tower, clearing the way for the Normandy to arrive and unloaded the bomb. When all seems to be going well, the soldier you sent with the salarians radios in to tell you that their team is pinned down on the AA tower and they won't be able to make it to the landing site without assistance. The Normandy takes off and begins a holding pattern. Pick a new squad (Kaidan and Ashley are unavailable) and open the large door to the west. This area contains a number of geth hoppers and krogan for you to defeat. Eliminate all the enemies and then head to the elevator at the far side.

14 - An Impossible Choice

As soon as you arrive at the top of the elevator the squad sees a geth ship fly past en route to the bomb site. Now both Kaidan and Ashley are under heavy fire from the geth and you only have time to rescue one of them. When you have made your decision, say your final goodbyes and either head up to the AA tower or back down to the landing site. At either location you will
face a tough fight against some of the more powerful geth forces, including a geth prime.

+2 Paragon - "I'm sorry."
+2 Renegade - "Of course it was."

15 - Saren

When all the geth are destroyed, Saren himself arrives and attempts to justify his actions. You can use Charm or Intimidate to try to sway him, but a fight is inevitable. Make sure your equipment is up to date. Unlike most fights where cover is important you will likely want to stay mobile versus Saren. Because he is flying on his glider, most of your offensive biotic powers are useless. When Saren has taken enough damage he confronts you face to face. The Normandy arrives just in time and Saren retreats on his glider. The crew escapes the planet just as the bomb detonates, destroying Saren's research facility for good.

+2 Paragon - "Join me." [7 Charm]
+2 Renegade - "Sovereign will betray you." [7 Intimidate]

16 - Back on the Normandy

There is a somber meeting in the briefing room as the lucky member of your crew laments your decision. When the meeting is over you have the option to speak with the Council about the mission.

+2 Paragon - "You need proof?"
+2 Renegade - "Screw you!"
+2 Paragon - "You have to trust me."
"Race Against Time" -> "Race Against Time: Sovereign"

17 - The Infiltration Team (Optional)

You can now head down to the vehicle bay and speak with the remnants of Captain Kirrahe's forces. You can also purchase equipment from Commander Rentola, provided Captain Kirrahe survived the mission. The salarians will depart when you arrive at your next destination.


When you have completed all four main plot worlds (Therum, Feros, Noveria, and Virmire), Liara will finally be able to make sense of your visions and put all the pieces together. The Conduit is on Ilos, a planet in the Terminus Systems that is only accessible through the Mu Relay.

Accessing the Galaxy Map at this point triggers a message from Ambassador Udina. Apparently the Council has changed their minds and decided to go after Saren. They are massing a fleet at the Citadel to head to Ilos. You must hurry back to take part in the preparations.

Created on 12, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 13, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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