Mass Effect

Return to the Citadel

1 - "It's Just Politics"

When you return to the Citadel you will be taken straight to the Council Chambers. It seems you were been deceived by the Council and the ambassador: They have no intention of risking a war with the Terminus Systems on your word alone. Moreover, the ambassador has locked out all of the Normandy's primary systems to keep you from leaving the station.

+2 Renegade - "You son of a bitch."

2 - Anderson's Plan

Back on the Normandy, Joker informs you that the Captain has asked to see you. He's waiting at Flux. Head to Doran's establishment in the Wards and find Anderson at a table near the bar. He believes that Saren is the real threat you say he is, and is willing to risk his career and his life to give you a chance to stop him. He has two ideas for getting the Normandy off the station: He can either raid Citadel Control and try to override the lockdown, or head to the ambassador's office and hack into his computer to revoke the order keeping the Normandy on the Citadel. The choice is yours, though if you ask him to choose he elects to go to the ambassador's office. Keep in mind that if his plan succeeds you won't be able to return to the Citadel. When you are ready to leave, tell Anderson to go ahead with the plan and then return to the Normandy.


If you have any business to clear up on the Citadel, now is the time. Once you have escaped the station, you won't be welcomed back.

Additionally, once you are off the station you will want to take care of any offworld assignments you haven't yet dealt with. Once you head to Ilos there is no turning back.

3 - Fleeing the Citadel

One way or another, Anderson's plan is successful and you are able to escape the station. The crew is behind you one hundred percent. Time to head to Ilos and stop Saren once and for all.
Created on 12, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 13, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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