Dragon Age

Elf Mage


EVENT: After recruiting him, Talk to Alistair

4. I have a few questions for you.
4. Tell me about Duncan.
2. He seems like a kind man, if firm.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: After lighting the beacon in Tower of Ishal.

- Choose whatever script you want.
Then, when Morrigan comes into picture...
3. Thank you, but if Morrigan doesn't wish to join us...
1. Very well, we'll take her with us.
3. She won't come to harm with us.
2. No, I prefer you speak your mind.
1. We need all the help we can get.
- You can end the conversation
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +8, Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. Do you want to talk about Duncan?
3. He was like a father to you. I understand.
2. There's no need to apologize.
2. He had you.
1. No, I understand completely.
1. I've lost enough to know what you're going through.
3. He was a friend of mine, too.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I'd like to ask you something.
1. What can a templar do, exactly?
1. So couldn't other learn these talents?
2. That's horrible! I can't believe they would do that!
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair while his approval is still neutral

- This will comeout after asking him What can a templar do...
1. I'd like to ask you something.
1. Can you teach others to be a templar?
1. Very well. I'll respect your word.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. So how did you become a Grey Warden?
2. Ha ha. Very funny.
3. What skills might those be?
3. Why did the grand cleric want to keep you?
4. He was a good man.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?
2. That would explain the smell.
4. That would explain the breath as well, then.
3. Only ones where we're making mad love in my tent.
2. He wasn't your father? So you know who is?
3. What an awful thing to do to a child.
3. You were young.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. Why have you remained a templar if you hate the Chantry?
2. In that case, you should have become a mage.
2. Seems like that might happen anyway.
2. Then make up something more exciting.
3. I think I understand.
3. I guess my home is with the Grey Wardens now. With you.
2. They can be rebuit.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

- His approval should be atleast warm
- This conversation will make him interested to your character.
1. Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?
4. And if it is? What then?
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

- His approval should be atleast interested
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. I need to tell you how much I enjoy your company.
2. I feel the same way.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I have some questions.
3. If you were raised in the Chantry, have you never...?
1. Sex?
4. Oh, that's so cute. You're a virgin.
1. You think I'm beautiful?
2. I would never hurt you.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I have some questions.
3. What changes about you after the Joining?
1. You've been a Grey Warden longer than I have.
1. He wouldn't tell you?
2. I haven't felt anything like that.
3. What can I say? I'm a growing girl.
1. I've had some strange dreams.
1. What are you talking about?
2. Why Orzammar?
2. I never wondered that. I understand.
3. He will be remembered, Alistair. As will the others.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

1. I have some questions.
3. What was it like to be a Grey Warden, with all the others?
1. No, I'd like to hear about them.
1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
2. I'm sorry. This must be hard for you.
2. Not at all.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +3

EVENT: Alistair will talk to you about your opinion on other teammates

- Just agree with him and give your opinion about everyone
- After end of conversation
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

- While his approval is interested
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?
2. Oh, I think it's cute.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: When leaving Lothering, after dreaming of the Archdemon

1. It seemed so real...
1. The archdemon? Is that the dragon?
4. Thank you, Alistair. I appreciate it.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

- His approval must be atleast Care.
3. Your new weapon of choice?
3. Sentiment can be a pretty potent weapon.
3. That's a nice sentiment.
4. Feeling a little thorny, are we?
3. Thank you, Alistair. That's a lovely thought.
3. So... are we married now?
1. No, it wasn't. Thank you, Alistair.
3. And you were doing so well, too.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +10

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. (Kiss him.)
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Alistair

4. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.
3. I think I already do.
1. No, not really. I liked it.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair in camp

- His approval must be atleast adore.
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?
1. If you don't want to...
1. You need to relax, Alistair.
1. Just follow my lead, Alistair.
3. Not for that performance.
3. First smart comment and I feed them to the darkspawn.
4. We stay together, no matter what happens.
3. I feel the same way.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +8
Created on 14, Nov, 2014 by Jere
Last edited on 15, Nov, 2014 by Jere


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