Mass Effect


Data Recovery

Given by: Gavin Hossle in the refugee camp on the skyway
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status

1 - Data Hunt
Speak with Gavin Hossle at the weigh station on the Prothean skyway. He wants you to recover some data that he left behind at the ExoGeni facility.

2 - At the Facility
At the Exogeni complex, head east past the room with the glowing orb and keep going until you find the stairs leading to the upper level. Gavin's console is at the end of the corridor, guarded by three krogan. Defeat them and recover Gavin's data from the console. There is also a secure storage locker nearby, along with a server node you can access for a codex entry. When you have the data, simply return to Gavin to complete the assignment.

Geth in the Tunnels

Given by: Fai Dan in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status

1 - Fai Dan's Request
Speak to Fai Dan at the Zhu's Hope colony to learn about the problems he and the other colonists face. One major concern is the geth that are holed up in the tunnels below the colony, likely guarding a transmitter used to coordinate attacks. Destroying the transmitter would take a lot of the pressure off the colonists.

2 - The Tunnels
Head up the nearby stairs and follow the path north until you reach the steps descending towards the tunnels. Bear right until you reach the room on the eastern side. As soon as you enter there are two snipers at the far end of the hallway to worry about. Beyond are a group of krogan warriors guarding the transmitter itself. When it is safe to do so, fire on the transmitter until it is destroyed. Loot the technician kit and upgrade kit nearby. Head back and speak with Fai Dan to complete the assignment.

+8 Paragon - "Stopped the geth"

Power Cells

Given by: May O'Connell in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status

1 - Power Up
May O'Connell is in charge of restoring power to the Zhu's Hope colony, which means she needs you to do it for her. Head down to the tunnels and enter the western passage to access the collapsed highway section. Fight off the varren and then pilfer the power cells from the fuel compartment of the damaged vehicle nearby. You can also find a sludge canister and a malfunctioning object in this area. Return and give May the cells to complete the assignment.

+8 Paragon - "Take a look at these."

Varren Meat

Given by: Davin Reynolds in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status

1 - In Need of Food
Speak to Davin Reynolds in the freighter on Zhu's Hope to learn about the colonists' food shortage. They need you to go down to the tunnels and deal with the alpha varren so they can safely hunt the rest.

2 - Hunting Party
In the tunnels, take the western path to the collapsed highway section. Upon entering you must fight a group of varren. When you have killed the initial group, the alpha varren will appear. The alpha is considerably tougher, so disable it if you can and try to keep your distance. When all the varren are dead you can return to Davin Reynolds for your reward.

+8 Paragon - "The alpha male is dead."
+2 Renegade - "Just pay up."

Water Restoration

Given by: Macha Doyle in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status

1 - Water Shortage
Macha Doyle needs your help. It seems the water supply to the Zhu's Hope colony has been cut off. You need to venture down to the tunnels and open the valves to allow water to flow.

2 - The Valves
Your only obstacle to opening the valves are three geth patrols in the side passages. There are two valves to open in the southern passage, and one to open in the northern passage. Once the water is flowing again you can return to Macha Doyle for your reward.

+8 Paragon - Report to Macha Doyle

Created on 1, Dec, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 1, Dec, 2014 by Indy


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