
Feeding grounds

2nd level

You can get to the faerie realm and the ice caverns from here

You need to free Vermatrix Goldenhide, using the two parts of the key (repaired)

A primrose will open the passage to the faerie realm. Follow the faeries (blue bubbly things)

The magical flint is here, looks a lot like the rock in the dwarf smithy

There is a second stairway down to the lower FG


Press shift-F8 to display current location.

- Start @(7,3)
- Down to Lower FG @(7,3)
- Down to Lower FG @(5,17)
- Teleporter to faerie realm @(29,10)
- Down to Ice Caverns @(5,27)
- Pit down to Lower FG @(17,25)

- Throg shaman @(10,6) attacks you. If you attack him, he drops a red feather, then disappears. You find him again @(6,32).
- Lady Dragon Vermatrix Goldenhide, leader of the great dragons. Chained @(7,8), @(19,11), @(21,16), use 2-part key to open, after the dwarf smith repairs it. She will leave some treasure when freed. (If you attack her, will she kill you?) NOTE: The dragon's body blocks off access from one half of this level to the other (she's big). You need to free her before you can finish the level.
- Skuz, the Sharga @(3,26). He joins the party.

- Manna circle @(27,15)
- Manna circle @(15,32)
- Magical flint @(27,12)
- Primroses @(26,20), put one on square @(28,10) to open secret door hiding the teleporter to the faerie realm.
- Half of a very sturdy key, in chest @(25,24)
- Rune scroll - Armor rune, in chest @(25,24)
- Rune scroll - Rune of Winds in chest @(17,17)
- Rune scroll - Shrink rune in chest @(17,17)
- Rune scroll - Improved heal in chest @(17,17)
- Rune scroll - Ball meta-rune on throg @(10,14)
- Rune scroll - Duration meta-rune on throg shaman @(6,32)
- Note to Gorda Karn @(12,29)
Created on 28, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 28, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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