
Khull Khuum's Tower

2nd level

There are 5 different teleporters on this level.

Two areas can only be reached from other levels.

The fire elementals are particularly vulnerable to *very* sharp weapons and to freezing spells.


Press shift-F8 to display current location.

Start @(2,13)
Teleporter up @(8,5)

- Teleporter pair (13,9) to/from (14,7)
- Teleporter pair (4,4) to/from (7,2)
- Ankh teleporter @(14,8) to/from (3,11)
- Crescent teleporter @(8,5) to/from tower3 @(10,7)
- Cross teleporter @(10,10) to/from tower1 @(11,17)
- Door @(15,3) magically barred - cannot be opened?

- Silver Crescent @(14,5)
- Silver Cross @(4,12)
- Scroll @(14,6) - Another 'in' joke?
- Green porthole @(11,13) - Any ideas on what this does?
Created on 28, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 28, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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